Friday, June 15, 2007

And so it begins.

Well, I folded under the pressure and decided to go global. We are now bloggers (is that a word?). Because I rarely read other people's blogs - too much reading - I have decided to keep this short. So here is our story in a very small nut shell. I'm Emily, a.k.a. Queen of the universe (my universe). I'm married to Scott, who is totally dreamy. We have three kids - Lily, the Princess of Sass; Adam, a.k.a. Tubby Goo; and Gracie, little miss Shoebox (she is shaped like she came out of one). They are pretty rad. Okalee Dokalee, I'm off - until next time. Adios.

Oh, and P.S. - I don't speak Spanish!


Erika said...

LOVE IT!! I'm so glad you have a blog! I can't wait to check back for updates.

Ryan and Renee said...

See.... this is so fun. Now we can all pretend that we see each other daily. It's almost like living next door to each other. I am so happy your a blogger, you leming.

Heather said...

Hooray for bloggers!