These Bumbo chair things are so cool. I remember seeing them for the first time when Gracie was too big for one, so of course I didn't feel the need to buy one. Since Davie was born I have been curious to try one for him. We were over at a friend's house the other night and they had one. Graciously she let us borrow it until their little baby is born in February. I think it is the funniest thing; Davie isn't so sure of it yet...
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
cool tat....what a bumbo!
Don't you love Gracie's leg art!? My dad drew it on her while watching Conference a few weeks ago. She was mesmorized the whole time.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
only slightly obsessed
I love to bake!!!! It is nourishing to my soul (pun intended). I think Scott hates that I love to bake; he has no will power when it comes to sweets. I, on the other hand, do...all I need is one cookie or brownie or cinnamon roll and I am satisfied (for a while). Anyway, here are some of my latest treats; apple pie and cinnamon rolls.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
How do you like my wall of bats? I just love vinyl and the Cricut.
My budding little artist (a.k.a. Lily) made a very lovely and spooky decoration for our front door. I bet the trick-or-treaters will almost be too scared to knock on the door (and if the witch doens't scare them, then surely Scott's smoke machine will).
Monday, October 12, 2009
a blessed day
Baby Davie was blessed in church yesterday (if you are not L.D.S. and have no clue what I am talkin about; a baby blessing is when a worthy priesthood holder gives a baby a name and blessing - it is usually done at church, but can be done anywhere really. Our girls were both blessed at home with family).
Uncle Darren, Uncle Eric, Aunt Michelle, Grandma and Grandpa Goats (my parents), my friend Megan, and our good friends Josh and Britany came for the occasion. It was so nice to see everyone. Thank you for making the effort to be there.
Scott blessed Davie and did a nice job. I so appreciate him doing things like this; he doesn't like to be put on the spot, but in these situations he never hesitates and I really love that about him.
We are so grateful for our little David. He is such a WONDERFUL baby! He is a perfect addition and compliment to our family.
Monday, October 5, 2009
so cal
So, I realize that I have been the slacker blogger of the year lately - let's just say I have had a lot going on. Namely a long vacation to Southern California. We left on the 23rd and got back on Friday (the 2nd). It was a really fun trip.
Here some picture; a lot of picture (please keep in mind that I had a baby less than 3 months ago - basically I just look really fat in all these pictures)...
ALSO: Congratulations to Scott's brother Brian and his darling wife Callie - they bacame parents to a beautiful little girl yesterday. We are so excited to have a our new little neice Eden Elizabeth Hill in the family. 

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