Wednesday, December 1, 2010

apparently mother nature has something against my trees! boo....

A couple weeks ago on a Saturday night it started snowing. No big deal right - we live in Utah. Well, it has been an unusually warm autumn and all the leaves hadn't fallen from my two big trees lining the street. I should just tell you now that I am dork - I LOVE these trees. I feel very connected to them. Not only are they beautiful but they provide privacy to our house. Plus the kids climb them and play in their leaves during autumn. They are just great trees. Anyway, as the snow fell we didn't think much of it until we looked out the window before going to bed and one of the big branches off the neighbor's tree (the same variety) had broken off from the weight of the heavy snow and the leaves still on the branches. We kind of figured it would be inevitable that something would happen to ours - but I really hoped we would get lucky.

Then, as we lay in bed, around 11 pm we started hearing the cracking and snapping until all the of the sudden we heard a huge crrrrrack! There is went - one of major limbs of the tree. I felt sick. But knowing there was nothing that could be done I tried to sleep. Scott went out at about 2 am to shake the branches, but it didn't seem to help. The next morning we woke up to this! Branches fallen all over the neighborhood - on cars, in the middle of the street, a small limb on our roof, all over. Scott spend the morning before church helping neighbors get limbs cut up and out of the street and off roofs. It was sad.

Here are some pictures from that morning and then the next day after the sun started shining.


Bradley L. Hill said...

This IS sad! It probably fits into the circle of life somehow, but it's sad.

SJ said...

We lost parts of one of my favorite trees too. But most of ours were spared. Caleb and Scott did an early morning snow shake off with our pole...I guess that's what we get for having such a nice fall this year. : (

Josh and Britany said...

that is heartbreaking!