Friday, April 23, 2010


I am a genius. This is my new baby gate! What do you think? I know, you are thinking it looks beautiful right! Probably not...

Davie kept knocking down the traditional baby gate and the kids were having hard time getting over it to go up and down the stairs. Because Davie is most likely our last child I really didn't want to install one of the open and closing kind that attach to the wall. So I figured three 50 pound buckets of wheat would keep him from tumbling down the stairs; plus this way the kids can just climb over and use them as drums in the meantime. So FUN!!!


Candice J said...

You are brilliant!!

DeLong Family Members: said...

That is very clever--And I am happy to see that you have wheat stored too! MOM

Heather said...

You ARE a genius! :)

Evan said...

I just hope he doesn't somehow push one of those 50 pound buckets down the stairs with him. That could be ugly. Oh and tell Scott hi.