WARNING: I am about to step on my soapbox. I am going be long-winded.
I can’t tell you how many times I have heard people talk about how irritated they are at how bloggers only seem to portray the happy things in life. Apparently it is annoying that people will only put the good things that are happening on their blogs. I hear complaints about how these “happy” bloggers are all trying to convince us all that they live perfect lives and never have anything go wrong. This attitude bothers me; let me explain why.
A few years ago I discovered something about myself. I discovered that I love to be around people that motivate and inspire me. It makes me want to be better. For example, I have a friend,
Britany, who I met during our time in Washington. Britany is one of my dearest friends – I really love her. She is so talented, and one of her many talents is that she is an amazing organizer and housekeeper (even at this moment she is rolling her eyes with a little chuckle, just as she always does when I tell her this). You can stop by her house at any time, completely unannounced and it will be clean. Not only will be clean, but she has used such style and creativity in her decorating. She is amazing. When we became such great friends and I started to learn this about her, I really wanted be more like this. I have been making an effort ever since because she motivates me to be better.
Another friend of mine is one I have known for a long time.
Rachel, is a friend of mine from high school and since the day we met when we were 14 years old I have never known anyone to want children more. She has always loved children and has always wanted to be a mother. She now has four beautiful children and anyone who reads her blogs or talks, even briefly, with her can tell that she adores them. For her, it seems, they are a complete wish come true and that is how she treats them. She is such a sweet and lovely mother and she inspires me. I love being a mother and sometimes when I don’t love it as much as I ought to I think of Rachel and it makes me want to do better. I never feel like she is bragging or boasting, whenever I read what she has written about her kids it comes through as complete love. Just as a side note, I truly think she is a wonderful gift to her children – they are the luckiest children to have such a mother!
One last friend is another from Washington. My friend
Heather is amazingly creative. Quite possibly one of the most creative people I know. It just seems to seep from her pores. I love being around Heather because I suddenly feel like I can be my quirky, unique, and wanna-be creative self. She brings it out in me and I love that feeling. I am always motivated to do something beautiful with my surroundings or look at the world a different way. I love being inspired to be more creative.
I could go on about every person on my link list (and so many others), but I won’t. My point here is that isn’t it fun to be around people like this. Don’t we all want to be better in some way? Aren’t we here on this earth to become perfect? What better way to do this than by surrounding ourselves with people who also have that goal in mind? I view the blogging world as this – a world where people can inspire me to be better. I like that people tell me about the good things in life. I love the creative ideas, the recipes, the outings with kids, and latest snapshots! I like knowing that my friends are happy. It inspires me to do more with my kids, make some fun changes in my house, take better care of myself, etc, etc. Plus when I am feeling down, all I have to do is look at the wonderful people around me who have filled their lives with good, productive things. And that inspires me to leave the pity party behind and get to work. Somehow this works like a charm every time!
Everyone has bad days. You are a fool if you think otherwise. Some have more bad days than others. So it goes without saying that even though we are posting utopian entries of bubbles and rainbows we are all still having the occasional hiccup. And I don’t think that by blogging about the good stuff we are trying to convince the world that we or our lives are perfect. But think about it – would you really want to skip from one downer blog to another? I don’t mind reading about someone’s bad day occasionally, everyone needs a chance to vent a little, but it wouldn’t be fun to read about everyone’s bad days everyday. In fact, it wouldn’t even make me feel like my life was better because everyone else is struggling so much. If anything, it would just bring me down. I think we all get our own little doses of reality when we are feeling down ourselves – why bother with everyone else’s reality as well?
Really the bottom line is this – is reality really THAT bad? I don’t think so. I think when we do feel a certain way we ought to do one of two things; either look around and see all the blessings we have and the amazing life we really are living or go see a doctor and get on some medication (because if the first doesn’t work, then the second really is the best option). I can tell you I have seen some of the darkest corners of Africa and the most desperate of ghettos in places like Thailand and Mexico and there is no one that I associate with on a regular basis (either in real life or blogging) whose situation can ever come close to that. There are women who are abused in so many different forms everyday, women who live with literally nothing, woman who are raising several children alone, woman being driven from their homes, women who are starving, sick, or dying. I have met so many of these of women and it is amazing to see them smile and look at the beauty of life. They have inspired me, they have inspired me to be more thankful, to be happy, and to always make the best of life.
I know this was long, but I have been wanting to get it off my chest for so long. Mainly because most of the blogs I read are so great – I love seeing what you all are doing (good and bad). I want the blogging world to know that there is someone out there who loves reading all the happy, sappy, and sometimes totally cheesy posts written. Thank you oh blessed blog world!
Okay, so I will step off the soapbox now, and I will try to not rant and rave again anytime soon.