Sunday, March 8, 2009

mr. peeps has competition

...for our attention.

For my birthday yesterday we visited the local IFA and bought some chicks. We figured in these times of economic crisis we ought to do all we can to prepare ourselves and chickens seem like a good step in that process. Plus I have been wanting chickens for a long time. We got five little chicks, all less than a week old. They are so cute! We need to keep them in the house until May and then out they will go into the stellar chicken coop that Scott is going to build. Mr. Peeps has been very interested (in eating them) and keeps trying to reach into the box to "play." One little chick, Kermit, is pretty ready for a fight and keeps pecking at his claw (Adam named him and he doesn't seem to care that she is a girl). One day Peeps may not be so brave about harassing them. It has been fun and we are excited to enjoy fresh eggs in a few months.

Friday night we met up with Eric and Darren and their girlfriends Kim and Tia for Thai food in Provo. It was soooooo yummy (Thai Ruby in Provo is the best Thai food in Utah) and so much fun to visit with them all. I forgot I had my camera until after Eric and Kim left, so I only have Darren and Tia in a picture with us.

Then last night Michelle came over for cake and ice cream - I don't like to go out on my birthday; I really hate all the undue attention and cheesy waiters singing bad renditions of "Happy Birthday." It was fun and my cake was super tasty (I made it, so of course I liked it!). All in all it wasn't bad turning 29 again.


Rach said...

My husband really wants chickens, too. Probably a good idea, like you said, with the economy how it is.

Happy Birthday!

Heather said...

Happy Birthday!

Congrats on the chicks. We've talked about doing that too, but this year we're focusing on growing a huge garden. Maybe next year we'll add chickens. We had them when I was growing up and I loved feeding them and gathering eggs.

One though: you might consider building a chicken "tractor" instead of a coop--basically it's a coop on wheels that you can move around periodically so that the chickens get fresh grass and fertilize different areas of your yard, instead of the one spot where they are all the time turning muddy and gross.

Josh and Britany said...

Happy Birthday!! I'm glad you had a good day! I was going to call you, but completely forgot because I had 2 extra kids this weekend. We were babysitting for Melinda and it's amazing how 2 more kids makes things so different when you're not used to it. Darren's girlfriend is so cute! Josh would love to have chickens too!

Liz Bowman said...

Happy belated Birthday! I am glad to see that Thai Ruby is still there and thriving! I love it, and have gone there since it opened.

I love how you can still see Mr. Peeps in the background of you and your cake. Does he ever leave the chicks' box? Ha ha!!

Ryan and Renee said...

29 years old, huh? That's weird becasue I turned 29 this year too. I guess we are twins this year. fun!

Honor said...

ha ... this will be my 3rd year for turning 29! Happy birthday ... 29 is good, isn't it?

(Matt will be so jealous of your chicks)

Mandee Lue said...

Happy birthday! And what adorable chicks!! (including you, I mean!)

Lauren said...

Happy Birthday!!! Don't tell Ben about those chicks he's been trying to talk me into them for a few years now...I think two dogs is enough for now :)

The Hills... said...

Happy belated Birthday! You are so adventurous to get all those little chicks! I bet the kids are in heaven.

marian said...

Happy b-day gorgeous. Love YOU

Robyn said...

Hey Emily, Happy belated Birthday. Chicks, huh? I'll have to bring my kids over some time and check them out. Do your kids just love them?

Lorie said...

Happy Birthday Emily! I love the chickens. That is the coolest thing, and I'm sure your kids will have so much fun with them.

DeLong Family Members: said...

The pictures of the chicks are so cute. Tia is a keeper--hope things work out. You look so cute for "29". I guess that makes me only "58". I made a Thai chicken soup you and Scott would love. I will send the recipe.
Love, MOM