Tuesday, April 13, 2010
the latest and greatest
I know...finally! Here are some pictures and an update of what we have been doing...
Due to General Conference falling on Easter Sunday we decided to dress up for Easter that last Sunday. The girls looked so pretty and Springy!

Adam loves the chickens. He likes to let them out in the yard and wander with them. When it is time to put them away he has come up with this very efficient method of carrying them two at a time. It is so cute!

Lily has been begging and begging to get her ears pierced for a couple years now. I have been all for it (if it were up to me I would have done it when she was a baby), but Scott has really been dragging his feet. He is really having a hard time letting his little Lily grow up. So he would tell her things like, "sure you can get them pierced, but it will hurt so bad and you will cry and cry." or "Remember how much the flu shots hurt? Well this is even worse - it is double to pain." It didn't work though and she still wanted them pierced. I finally decided that he really didn't have any good reason and I am her parent as well so I decided to get it done. Scott actually didn't fight me too much on it surprisingly...so last weekend she and I went to the mall and got it done. She was so brave and I have to tell you; she looks so adorable!!!!

We saw wild turkeys at Lisa's house. They were just out roaming on her property. It was really cool. They get all big and puffy trying to impress the ladies (turkeys, that it).
Lily had her 7th birthday at Aunt Lisa's house in California. The kids and I drove out there for Spring Break. I can hardly believe she is 7; I have to say...she the smartest, cutest, best little girl ever!

Davie is finally well! And so cute. He loves to make funny faces for me when I pull out the camera.
Lily lost her two bottom teeth (due to the dentist pulling them out - her two big teeth were grown in behind them quite a bit). It was her first lost teeth and she was pretty thrilled!
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hooray for cute pictures! I can't believe how much your kids have grown! I'm looking forward to giving them a squeeze Sunday!
yay! an update! looks like you had a great time at Lisa's! And cute little Lily with her ears pierced. I can't believe she's 7!
So fun! I love the girls' dresses, Adam's chicken carrying abilities, and Davie's long hair!
Happy Birthday Lily!
Thanks for the pictures--it is so much fun to see them. The girls dresses are darling, Adam is so cute with the chickens and Davie is really growing so big and handsome. What a darling family!! MOM
I love the spring dresses. I also love that Adam loves the chickens. I am glad they are getting the love they need.
Lily, you are beautiful with or without pierced ears. For the record, though...I'm with Scott.
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