10. He works really hard and provides such a nice life for the kids and me.
9. He is a great cook (probably better than me, although I am a really good cook as well)
8. Even though he teases the kids relentlessly, he really is a great dad - I love to watch him with them (most of time - sometimes he teases them to tears and I don't like that). AND they really adore him - Lily still calls him Prince Charming on occasion.
7. He is always learning something new
6. He is always trying to be a better person
5. He takes my constructive, sometimes honestly harsh, criticism very well
4. He can fix or make anything - really
3. I like the way he dresses and the music he listens to
2. He loves me a lot, a lot and tells me all the time
1. He is the dreamiest person I know.
BONUS: He sings really nicely and is so shy about it. Sometimes he will get his guitar out and sing me a little song and then get all embarrassed. It is very endearing.
one more BONUS: He is really good at cleaning the kitchen for me when he knows that I have had a long day and can't look at one more dirty dish.
last BONUS: he is very debt-conscious. He refuses to buy anything unless we can pay for it with cash. The only exception he will make is buying a house. (Sometimes this can be a bit frustrating, but in the end I am grateful to not owe anyone anything).
Okay, so I should have made it a list of thirteen. I love Scott so much and everyday I feel so blessed to be married to him. I look around sometimes and think to myself that I really couldn't have found a better guy. He is perfect for me. So....Happy Valentine's Day Scott - I love you!!!!!
P.S. I also woke up this morning to a dozen roses sitting on the table. I thought that was nice.
Scott is a dork! His brother in law Casey is cool. I cant believe my wife "Michelle" didn't tell everyone how much she loves me on Valentines Day.
Okay - in case you didn't notice, I did not write the previous comment. Casey (and the kids) know my info and password and obviously Casey thought he was being funny. Being funny, however, is not one of the things I love about Casey!!!
Okay, I have felt bad for the things I said about Casey being funny or more accurate, not being funny. The whole family knows that he is very funny and very clever, unlike me. I know that sometimes I have a very dark cloud that follows me around and it's nice to have Casey, "who is always in a good mood" to be around to distract everyone off my negative attitude. This is one off the thousands of things that I love about my husband. I also want to appoligize if I hurt his feelings. I know that Casey has thick skin but this last comment may have pierced that think beautiful skin that he has. oohhhh, to think of Casey, who is soooooo sexy and sooooo nice and soooo kind. I am a very lucky and blessed person. One other thing too.... Have you seen him lately? He is losing so much weight and he is muscles are getting ripped again.
I just love your header .... TOTALLY with the sound of music. How true! you're so nice to your husband! what a wife!
You do have an awesome husband!! What a perfect couple!
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