Aren't my girls lucky?! I basically already have one of their weddings planned!
I love these bridesmaid dresses as well as the bridal gown. Obviously they would need some modification for modesty issues -like necklines brought up a bit and sleeves added. But I love the style, fabric, and color. So pretty!

I love the new sleek gowns they have now. And I love the lacy feminine feel of them as well. This is such a pretty dress.

I love how soft and flowy this one is! Just think of it with sleeves that go to just above the elbow. Wouldn't that be lovely! I adore the fabric for the skirt.

I have always been fond of bright, colorful bouquets. Plus I think everything looks better with a little green added. This is just really pretty and feminine...

I had a tent at my reception and I thought it was so perfect. I am afraid that if my girls get married during warmer months then I will insist we have one at theirs as well.

I loved my wedding - I used to tell Scott it was the most fun day and that I would love to do it again sometime. Unfortunately the only way I can do that is through my daughters. I hope they are on board...
I could go on and on about food, which temple I would choose, tuxedo choice, music, etc, etc. But I will spare you all the boring details!