Friday, April 15, 2011

day 22 - a fave joke

Ask anyone in my family and they will inform you that I should avoid trying to tell jokes. I am not good at it and I always mess them up. Unfortunately Lily has inherited this sad quality. Someday she too will learn to just give up....

Because of this I really don't have a favorite joke. But I do have a favorite comic. The Far Side is hilarious and this one in particular always makes me laugh (maybe because my dad plays the accordion and we would all get good chuckle whenever he would bust it out)...


Heather said...

Your dad plays the accordion?? That is soooo very random! :)

Jessica said...

I don't know, Ems - I think the best joke you ever told was when people would ask you what you were majoring in at college and you'd say, "philanthropy" and they'd say, "oh yeah, I took a class in that" or "my brother-in-law majored in that."

emily, etc, etc said...

I had forgotten that....that was pretty clever of me!