Tuesday, April 5, 2011

day 17 - my worst habit

Remember my talent...the gift of gab? Well, that is also my worst habit. I don't know how many times during my childhood I heard, "Close your mouth and open your eyes and ears!" (I should note that this wasn't necessarily said to me specifically, more of just something that was said a lot in my house)

Sometimes it is just better to be quiet and I have worked tirelessly for years to curb my constantly moving mouth. I will still come home from social gatherings and moan to Scott about how I talked way too much. So, although it is a great talent of mine it is also a terrible habit! Oh the irony...

1 comment:

Heather said...

I'm not so sure you should count that as a bad habit Miss Emily! I kind of like your "constantly moving mouth"!!!! :)