I am a terrible wife. Scott got an e-mail from his sister the other day saying she knew everything that was going on with me and the kids, but there was never any mention of him on the blog. Karen, thank you for helping me realize that I need to talk about Scott a little more. Afterall, he is pretty much the dreamiest guy I have ever known. Upon hearing about this, my cousin Erika tagged me. So here is everything wonderful about Scott...
What is his name? Scott David Hill
How long have you been together? Seven years in December
How long did you date? 4 months
How long have you been together? Seven years in December
How long did you date? 4 months
How old is he? 30
Who eats more? Scott (especially if I make something sweet-he has no control)
Who eats more? Scott (especially if I make something sweet-he has no control)
Who said I love you first? Me
Who is taller? Scott
Who sings better? Me, but he also has a really nice voice
Who is smarter? Scott
Whose temper is worse? Oh, totally mine
Who does the laundry? Me, I am picky about how it is done
Whose temper is worse? Oh, totally mine
Who does the laundry? Me, I am picky about how it is done
Who does the dishes? This is a source of contention between us - I would prefer to just do it alone (I get it done more quickly), but he thinks it is more fun and efficient to do it together.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? It depends, whichever side is further from the door then I sleep on that side (I'm weird). So right now Scott is on the right side.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? It depends, whichever side is further from the door then I sleep on that side (I'm weird). So right now Scott is on the right side.
Who pays the bills? I do.
Who mows the lawn? We take turns
Who cooks dinner? Ususally I do, but sometimes Scott does - he is an amazing cook
Who mows the lawn? We take turns
Who cooks dinner? Ususally I do, but sometimes Scott does - he is an amazing cook
Who drives when you are together? Scott
Who is more stubborn? That is a toss-up
Who is the first to admit when they're wrong? Again, a toss-up, but I think it might be me.
Whose parents do you see the most? mine
Who is the first to admit when they're wrong? Again, a toss-up, but I think it might be me.
Whose parents do you see the most? mine
Who kissed who first? We aren't really sure, it was pretty mutual and the moment is hazy in both of our memories. Although I think it was him.
Who asked who out? Scott called and asked me out the day after we met.
Who proposed? Scott
Who is more sensitive? Me; only when it comes to him - he is the only person who could really ever hurt my feelings - I don't care what everyone else thinks.
Who has more friends? Me
Who asked who out? Scott called and asked me out the day after we met.
Who proposed? Scott
Who is more sensitive? Me; only when it comes to him - he is the only person who could really ever hurt my feelings - I don't care what everyone else thinks.
Who has more friends? Me
Who has more siblings? We have the same amount of kids in each of our families - mine has 5 girls and 1 boy and his has 5 boys and 1 girl - weird. But we fall in line in very different spots - he is the oldest and I am the 5th.
Who wears the pants in the family? I don't like that question. I am definately bossier and more particular about things, but he is definately the head of our family. So I guess we both do.
Who wears the pants in the family? I don't like that question. I am definately bossier and more particular about things, but he is definately the head of our family. So I guess we both do.
So, there you have it. Oh, and for Karen's sake and anyone else who might be wondering, Scott is doing really well. He seems to really be liking his job and he is LOVING the sunshine. I am a pretty lucky girl to have ended up with someone so wonderful.
P.S. the pictures are in order from oldest to newest - here is what they are of: Engagement picture, leaving reception in his Bug, our trip to Hawaii last year (two of them), Oregon Coast Surf Trip last year, and Gracie's birth
1 comment:
Very nice! You are a lucky girl!
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