Boys are kind of a pain in the neck - well, at least mine is. But even knowing this, I wouldn't trade my Adam for anything. He may be a stinker when it comes to nap time, potty time, and meal time, but I still love him (I think he was blessed with those big brown eyes for a reason). Plus he makes me laugh. Yesterday he was on a roll...
In the morning I told the kids I had to go to the store to pick something up. Here is how the rest of the conversation went:
Adam: What are you getting Mom?
Emily: I need to get some medicine (it was my birth control pills and I didn't know how else to explain it)
Adam: Why? Are you dying?
I laughed so hard. Of course I told him I was just fine. Then later he was climbing and jumping on me and I kind of lost my temper. Here is how this conversation went:
Emily: Adam, stop climbing on me...that hurts.
Adam continues to climb and jump on me.
Emily: PLEASE, ADAM, STOP. I am not a jungle gym...I mean seriously, what do I look like?
Adam: look like Mommy!
Once again I started laughing and was no longer angry.
He such a cute boy...he breaks everything within a 20 foot radius...but still a cute boy. I think we will get along even better when he is like five and figures out how to touch something without destroying it. Hopefully by then he will eat his dinner as well and go poop on the potty (I won't need to worry about naps anymore).
As a side should know that potty training is coming along well. Slowly, but well. He is starting to slightly get the picture. Thanks everyone for your advice - Mares, you plan seems to be working..
Oh how we love that boy!! I'm so glad we get to watch him grow up!
what a love!
good old tubba-goo!
He is such a cutie! I think boys are just a handful but I have heard they get easier.
oh my gosh ... he looks so much older than last time I saw him ... I don't have boys, but can relate to the "feelings" disastrous but darling children bring out.
Sorry to inform you emily but that is how boys are and I am an expert with 4! At 5 they still break things and make bigger messes even when they go potty. It won't get easier until they ar home off their mission. Its just the lot of a mother of boys! but arn't they great. You guys all look awesome. Judy Vogel
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