Today I took Lily to see Disney on Ice. My mom, my sister Jennifer and her daughter Rebecca joined us. It was a blast! I was so impressed with how well-done it was and Lily was so cute to

watch. It was held at the Energy Solutions Center (where the Jazz play) and I was amazed at
how many people were there. It was so cute to see all these little girls running around in their princess dresses. Wow - to whoever is the marketing director over at Disney, all I have to say is job well done! I think every little girl in the Salt Lake Valley had some kind of Disney-related outfit on today. None the less, it was so fun. I am glad I

didn't miss it!

How fun! Sometimes I wish I had a girl! :) And send Lily and Adam miniatures my regards
we did that one year ... Brielle and Linzi really liked it too. I can't believe how grown up Lily is looking.
Wow! Pretty soon you'll have a teenager on your hands.
Fun, fun, fun! I would have gone nuts over that when I was a little girl...actually probably still would! :) Glad you had a good time.
*It was good to see you tonight!
Seriously... Lily is getting so big. I just keep remembering back to nursery when she wasn't a "happy camper" I have to say that she was one of my favorites. Even with the screaming and all. :) We got through it together. Anyway... we need to get together next time we are up there. Who knows when that will be, but hopefully soon. :)
oh man. . . if only we had been there too!
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