I gave in finally, after realizing that it really isn't such a big deal. So what if she has the most beautiful hair ever and it looks amazing when it is long because it is so thick and full of body. It is, after all, her hair. And I should probably stop living vicariously through my daughter (because my hair would never look that good long, and I love long hair).
So the "hair lady" (as Lily calls her - and she is about 20) came today and cut it all off. I was sad, Lily was thrilled. I guess maybe I should just be happy that she is so happy. Now that it is done, I have to admit that she is still the most beautiful six year old I know. And now I don't have to listen to the complaining about her hair.
Who knows, maybe someday she will grow it out again and let me brush it until my heart is content. Probably not...