Monday, June 8, 2009

movin' up in the world (or down)

In preparation for the boy to arrive we have been moving things around in the house. Grace had to move out of the baby room and Lily's room was going to be a little crowded with the two of them together. So we have been preparing the room in the basement for them - it is much bigger, plus Adam is already down there in another room.

Well, last night was the maiden voyage of the girls sharing the basement room together. Needless to say it is 11:00 in the morning and Grace is very cranky (she goes down for a nap around 1:30 normally)! She did not get enough sleep. She and Lily just wanted to play last night (well, it was mostly Grace - Lily takes bedtime very seriously). Then this morning I heard all sorts of noise down there VERY early! Grace and Lily both came up to greet me around 7:00 and Grace was wearing a Sunday dress that Lily had helped her into. I can see that this will take some adjustments - like Lily going to bed a little later to hopefully give Grace a chance to fall asleep...

There room is looking so cute - I will have to post pictures once I am done with it.


Ryan and Renee said...

It sound like you have the same issue as I do with Isabel and Jane. Isabel wants to stay up and talk and Jane wants to go to bed. I think Isabel waits up for Jane most nights, little stinker!

DeLong Family Members: said...

I have always been in favor of kids sharing a room. There are certain things they learn that are hard to teach in any other way. Patience moms, it's worth it.
Love, MOM

Jessica said...

Em - I wish you lived next door!

cheyney webb said...

I love Grace's smiles. It is like she is intensely happy. I had a hard time sharing a room with my sister but my brothers told each other stories every night.

Kyndra said...

It took my kids about 3+ months to adjust to sleeping in the same room - wait, they still are adjusting...good luck!!