Wednesday, March 16, 2011

birthdays, field trips, superstars, and bathtubs, oh my!

I figure I should still update my blog on what the fam is up to.

Davie just loves to play in the bathtub (especially when there isn't water in it). He gets Adam's Hot Wheels cars and uses the tub as a ramp - he and Adam will be at this for hours. They think it is the best.

Here he is picking up a car from outside the tub...
Now rolling it down the side...
Oh, that was soooo funny! He is such a cutie!

I have learned (finally at 33) that if you want a birthday party then you have initiate it! So that is what I did. I asked Renee to plan a party for me and that I would be willing to bring whatever she needed (she didn't have me bring anything). So we had a lovely family party at my brother Sam's house. The lunch was so yummy and Renee and my Mom made the best German Chocolate Cake (my fave). It was really fun and really really nice of Renee to humor me in my old age...

Here is Renee, Angie (our adopted sister), and Melissa (Sam's wife)
Me, Davie, and the yummy yummy cake!
My dad doing what he does best with the Lily - drawing "piggies" on her toes. She loves it when he does that!
Sweet Baby James - Sam and Melissa's baby (with Elisabeth, their oldest, in the background)
Sam and my mom (she had surgery on her shoulder about a month ago - super hurty)
Steve and Angie (we love them) and Michelle

So the morning of my birthday I was getting Adam's backpack ready for school. I was taking out all the papers from Friday and low and behold, guess what I found...a letter from his teacher saying he was the new Star Student and that I needed to bring a poster that day!!!! Talk about panic. Maybe this isn't panic for most people, but for me it was. I am a super duper perfectionist when it comes to things like posters, cards, scrapbook pages, etc. I couldn't whip something up in 20 minutes! Luckily Scott was out of town for work on my birthday (boo) so I had all evening to get something made for Tuesday. Here is one of the preliminary pictures to help me remember where to glue everything. I still ended up making changes - I thought the word bubbles were too big so I made smaller ones. In the end it turned out super cute (I frame these and hang them in the toy room - that is partly why I want them to be cute).

I went with Lily on her field trip last week. We went to the Murray City Nature Center. It was really fun and very interesting. Plus now I have a little gem of a story to share.

As we were getting back on the bus everyone was finding a seat. One of the little girl's dad came also on the field trip and when he got on asked her where he was going to sit since she already had a friend next to her. She turned and looked at me and then her dad and said, "Lily's mom is pretty, sit by her!" (her dad is single). Well, she wouldn't let it go and it was clearly very awkward for both him and me (I am sure he could see that I am married). Finally I leaned forward and quietly said to her, "Lily's Dad thinks I am pretty too!" I think she got the point and quit pestering her dad to come sit by me...

It was a fun day!

Gracie got to go to a birthday party for her little friend down the street - it was such a fun place with all sorts of rides. Grace was in HEAVEN!!!!

I am making Lily's baptism invitation and wanted to get some pics of her for it. Here is one of the ones that I love. She is getting so big and so beautiful!


Heather said...

-Cute David.
- I still think it's crazy how much you and your sisters look alike!
- I can't believe you busted out that amazing poster for Adam in 20 minutes. Amazing.
- I'm sad I missed out on the field trip, and I've been laughing about the "Lily's dad thinks I'm pretty too" comment for days!
- I have an almost identical picture of Lilly on the horse at Jungle Jim's! That place rocks!
- Love the picture of Lily....what a classic beauty (just like her momma!)

emily, etc, etc said...

Oh Heather! It took way more than 20 minutes to do that poster...I made it Monday night and it took me until almost 11 pm.